Apply for a scholarship
SFM Foundation is here to help you achieve your dreams
We know that serious work accidents don’t only affect the injured worker, they impact the entire family. The cost of college can be very overwhelming with a parent working fewer hours — or not at all. While we can’t ease the pain and suffering caused by your parent’s injury, we can help make college more affordable so you can pursue your dreams.
SFM Foundation scholarships may be used toward the costs of attending a two-year or four-year university, college, vocational school or graduate school. To qualify, students must have a parent who was disabled or fatally injured while working for Minnesota or Iowa employers. Scholarships are awarded up to a maximum of $15,000 a year.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:
- Be the natural, adopted, step-child or full dependent of a worker injured or killed in a work-related accident during the course and scope of employment with an employer based in Minnesota or Iowa and entitled to receive benefits under the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act, Iowa Workers’ Compensation Act or other comparable benefit program exclusive to work-related injuries.
- Be a Minnesota or Iowa resident between the ages of 16 and 27 at the time of the application.
- Be a citizen of the United States or a lawful permanent resident.
- Have a high school diploma, GED or be a high school student in good standing. Academic achievement, aptitude, extracurricular activities, number of hours the applicant works and community service of the applicant are all considered. Grade point average will be reviewed against the number of hours the applicant works and his or her community involvement.
- Be pursuing a primary college or university degree (bachelor’s or associate’s), vocational education and training (certificate or license) or master’s degree from an accredited school.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Submit a completed application.
When should I apply?
The application period for the 2024-2025 academic year is closed. To be considered for a scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year, apply before March 31, 2025.
Scholarship details
- Scholarship funds may be used toward tuition, books, and fees. They may not be used for room and board or general living expenses.
- Amounts awarded may range between $1,000 and $15,000 per year.
- Scholarships are renewable for two years for a two-year program and up to five years for a bachelor’s degree if requirements continue to be met. Scholarships are also available for graduate studies.
- Funds will be paid directly to your educational institution once we receive your class registration documentation.
- The annual scholarship amount will be mailed in two installments; half the first semester and half the second semester (timing may vary by school).
- You must remain in school full-time each semester (at least 12 credits) and maintain at least a “C” (2.0 GPA) in order to be continue to receive scholarship funds. If you take a semester off and your full-time continued status is not maintained, your scholarship will be discontinued.
- At the end of each semester, you’ll need to send us a copy of your transcript and proof of registration for the upcoming semester. (A copy of your class registration from your school website is sufficient.)
Special scholarships
Each year, one applicant is selected for the following special scholarships:
- Established in 2012, the Pat Johnson Honorary Scholarship is presented to one outstanding new applicant. This scholarship bears the name of Pat Johnson, business pioneer and former leader of SFM.
- Established in 2018, the Dick Ahmann Memorial Scholarship is presented to one outstanding new applicant. The scholarship is named in honor of Richard “Dick” Ahmann, who embodied excellence and professionalism throughout his distinguished life and career.
- Established in 2011, the SFM Employee-Sponsored Scholarship is presented to one outstanding new applicant who goes above and beyond to give back to the community. The scholarship is completely funded by employees of SFM Mutual Insurance Company.
How to apply
1. Get a copy of the application
Download the application form in PDF format
Pre-printed copies are also available through most high school counselors, or you can email us to request a copy.
2. Complete the form
Fill out the form electronically using Adobe Reader or print it out and complete it by hand. Save a copy for your records.
3. Submit the form before March 31, 2025
To be considered for a scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year, send us your completed application by mail (SFM Foundation, P.O. Box 9447, Minneapolis, MN 55440-9447) or fax (952-838-2009).
Application help
If you have questions about submitting an application, email us or call (855) 621-2076 to speak to Scholarship Director Debra Zorn.
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